Herman Melville Quote

"It is impossible to talk or to write without apparently throwing oneself helplessly open."
~Herman Melville

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Telekinetic Orgasms: Alchemizing the Mundane


        This article is very short and so is the video clip, but I think the implications of the concept are more important and far-reaching than the author gives credit for.  This woman can have orgasms by using only the power of her mind - the video shows her supposedly achieving orgasm just by sucking on her husband's finger or eating food in a sensual manner.  Apparently, this is known as "non-genital" orgasm. The article mentions that there is no way to prove if she is having an actual orgasm or just putting on airs, but let's assume for the moment that she isn't pretending.
        One line in particular really gets me and is the point that I want to consider further - her quote: "'The thing about non-genital orgasm is, really, you can train yourself to cum from anything,' Sheri said proudly."  Now, I'm not even sure where to start.  I guess I will begin with the first thing that comes to mind when  I read those words, and that is this middle-aged, very normal-looking (I know, whatever that means) woman sitting at her kitchen table trying to train herself to orgasm from eating rice pudding or something.  The next thing that jumps out at me when I read it, is the "from anything" portion.  For just a moment, let's allow ourselves to consider this idea at greater length.
        Now, the article doesn't mention if men can learn this impressive skill, so I will just consider women for a bit.  Imagine that there were classes or seminars that instructed women in this "training;" (and this woman, Sheri, is a sex educator, by the way) so if women could orgasm from anything at all, we could train ourselves to make the most menial, undesirable tasks happy little highlights in our day.  We would skip to the grocery store for the tedious drudging through endless aisles of crap; dishes and laundry would become transcendent experiences to be looked forward to, not dreaded.  The commute to work would no longer offer time for only thinking or reading; and long lines at the bank would become slightly akin to orgies.  There would be a lot less nagging and complaining.  Everyone's house would be immaculate.  Life would undoubtedly be pretty damn good.  If anyone hears anything about this woman teaching a class or a seminar, please, let me know.

**"Strange Sex" keeps it weird every Sunday at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.


  1. Impressive. The video did give me that warm, yet uncomfortable feeling inside like when I watched Basic Instinct with my parents.

  2. nice article and quote of Herman Melville . Thanks for sharing this with us.
