Herman Melville Quote

"It is impossible to talk or to write without apparently throwing oneself helplessly open."
~Herman Melville

Friday, August 24, 2012

South African Hippo Suffers Death by Doltishness

        A hippopotamus died today in South Africa after it stumbled into a pool at a game conservation lodge and suffered exhaustion from the efforts of trying to climb out.  The hippo got stuck in the pool on Tuesday and conservation lodge workers and animal activists waited anxiously for the arrival of a veterinarian that was to supervise the lifting of the hippo to safety with a crane.  I just don't get this story.  I'm not sure if the writer from the Associated Press is an idiot, but the people who were supposed to be helping the hippo were definitely short some brain cells.

        I mean, obviously the hippo was in distress, I don't see why they need a vet to tell them that.  It's not like these people were just bystanders, with no knowledge of animals - they work in animal conservation.  Some of the quotes illustrate my point about the diminished intellectual capacity of those involved.  "'He was not as perky this morning, more agitated, like he was irritated. I think because he wanted to get out of the pool. That's my personal opinion,' said Ferreira."  No shit?  I wonder how long one must study animals to be able to recognize that being stuck somewhere that you can't get out of, surrounded by people who refuse to help, is irritating?  Ferreira is the lodge manager, by the way, as in, the person in charge.  The activists and lodge workers tried to blame the vet, Dr. Alex Lewis, and vice versa: "When journalists questioned Lewis about not arriving earlier, he said he couldn't have saved the animal because it was in such poor condition already.  Lewis said he had advised the owners of the lodge to feed the animal in order to make it strong enough for the rescue."  So, let me get this straight.  Not only did these people stand around just watching this hippo struggle, they didn't even try to feed it?  What?!  I mean, that seems like the only thing in their power to do that would have made this animal a bit more comfortable.  So, basically, the way I see it, this hippo was murdered.  It didn't suffer exhaustion.  It suffered stupidity.  People should be ashamed of themselves.  

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